Temperature Forecasts and Wind Direction in the Spring

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Temperature Forecasts and Wind Direction in the Spring

The cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean and connected Long Island Sound can influence temperatures at the shoreline year round. In April and May, however, the temperature gradient that sets up between the shoreline and inland locations can be extreme. This all has to do with which way the wind is blowing and weather or not it is blowing off the water.

For instance, on Wednesday there was a 25 to 30 degree difference between areas that had a SE wind compared to areas that has a SW wind.

This was summarized in the tweet… “How big of a deal is wind direction this time of year? Well… it’ll be 85 in Atlantic City, NJ with a SW wind while we struggle to about 60 with a SE wind. Classic New England. See attached map”

Wind direction is everything in the Spring – and it can make the temperature forecasts difficult!

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