Storm Warning Reports throughout Connecticut

This service provides an extensive and detailed forecast including the timing of storms; amount, duration & type of precipitation; temperatures; accumulations; changeover and starting & ending times. It also includes a recommendation of what your actions should be! Regular Storm Warning numbers are faxed to you 24-48 hours before the onset of the storm with updates every 4-6 hours until the storm passes. Preliminary Storm Warning numbers are faxed to you up to FOUR days prior to any threatening "winter weather" event with a general, early look at the basics of a pending storm, including duration, timing, intensity & snow amounts. This is helpful for early planning & decision-making. The seasonal cost is JUST $600.00 to have the reports faxed or e-mailed. Add our Snow Totals Service and get BIG SAVINGS with a cost of just $859.00!

Please fill out our Online Form or print out a PDF form, fill it out, fax or mail back to us.

And as always, e-mail us an Information Request and we will contact you.